Music today and it’s corruption for our kids

November 5, 2008
Music today and it’s corruption for our kids | Bible Study | Graphic, Print, Logo, and Website Design Solutions serving locally for Tempe Arizona and Phoenix Valley Cities

Music today and it’s corruption for our kids

Music today and it’s corruption for our kids

Music today and it’s corruption for our kids

Music today and it’s corruption for our kids
Music today and it’s corruption for our kids

First off I want to openly say that I believe in Jesus Christ. I read the King James Bible and try to lead a life as close as I can to Jesus. Most of the world would call me a Christian. I like to believe I am one. The meaning of the word Christian means to be Christ Like, or Like Christ. Trying to follow the example that he has shown the world. My goal in this document is to get people who believe in Christ, to understand what they truly are allowing into their lives and the lives of their children by allowing certain music into their homes.

Whether your Christian or Catholic, we need to recognize what the symbolism means behind our music today. Most people like to think Rock is not associated with anything devil related. Some like to think it’s just music. It doesn’t really matter. It isn’t hurting anyone. Well, you know what? It’s hurting you more than you could possibly imagine. If you believe in God, Heaven, Hell and your soul, you need to pay attention. Because it’s taking away your chance to be with your loved ones in heaven. And most importantly, it’ll keep you away from Jesus.

I want to show examples of music lyrics and band symbols. I want to open your eyes on how much our kids are really being pushed into not believeing in God and more likely to follow the paths that the devil lays out for the lost.


Some bands are really obvious, you cannot deny their pushing anti-christian, anti-jesus, anti-anything that has to do with the bible. Bands called…

  • The Sonics from their album THE SONICS BOOM sings a song that tells his cheating girlfriend that she is going to hell and Satan is licking his lips in aniticipation of her arrival.
  • Iron Maiden’s “The Number of the Beast” is about stumbling across a satanic ritual in the single called, “Black Mass”
  • The Rolling Stones decided to push the subject officially aligning themselves publically with the devil by the song, “Sympathy for the Devil”.
  • Some hardcore rock artists believe the first truly satanic album in rock was “Witchcraft Destoys Minds & Reaps Souls”. Released in 1969 by Coven.
  • And of course Black Sabbath. In their name it was inspired by writer Dennis Wheatley who wrote books on black magic and witch craft. Their first song was also called Black Sabbath which of course of a song about Lucifer and his point of view. The band says it’s of him falling in love and ultimately becoming good. I could go on and on about this band, but I’ll move on.
  • Bands like Slayer, Venom, merciful Fate and Bathroy were credited for using a goat head on the cover of their self titled albums. Both Venom and King Diamond of Mercyful Fate were adherents of the satanic bible.


It has been argued that the songs only are to acknowledge that evil does exist. What should they do with this music? Repeat it over and over? Embed it’s hard stories and evils ways into your mind and kills your conscience? It’s still a path that needs a person to walk. It’s a path that isn’t anything moral, kind or loving.

For bands like above it’s not hard to find reasons to believe that their sole purpose is to sway your children from possibly thinking in the right mind of the lord Jesus Christ.


Today music is more subtle in these ways. A lot of our kids listen to music that touches on anti Christian ways. I think today it’s more about Drugs, Money, Lust and Violence. Many songs have a catchy beat that comes with the price of saying that your not in some way shape or form a follower of Christ. I know, your thinking “Yeah right!”. But it is true. It takes only to open your eyes, ears and heart and listen a little harder.

Music does change the way you think.

Music will lead you down the paths they describe.

Music will mold your way of decision making. The same goes for Hollywood.

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